Rope Guide System
for canoes, kayaks, and small boats

A very strong, neat, waterproof line-to-boat connection, essential for whitewater & expedition work
or Just to Lock your Boat

For Serious Boaters demanding Serious Service from their Craft

Installed TUGEYE
What are TUGEYEs?

They are a simple system consisting of two eyelet-like inserts that are pressed through a drilled hole in the side of a boat, secured with stainless steel retaining rings, and connected with a short length of polymer tubing to form an extremely strong and waterproof attachment point through which the painter of your boat is secured. Because TUGEYEs are watertight they can be located low, just above the waterline where the best place to really pull hard is located.

TUGEYEs are strong!
Hauling up a cliff in Labrador
Why use TUGEYEs?

Originally developed by solo adventure canoeist Dan Kidd for use on expeditions in Labrador, TUGEYEs answered the need for a solid, dependable, line connection to his canoe. On serious trips your life can depend upon not losing your boat or your gear. Also, should your boat become inadvertently mired, this connection is of utmost importance for retrieval. Any experienced paddler can tell you that often in whitewater the only thing between you and disaster is nothing more than the painter, your grip or your knot. No commercially available canoe or product to date has existed that has adequately met this need.

Canoe locked to tree
Lock your Boat Securely
Do TUGEYEs fit all boats?

The original TUGEYEs are designed to fit all Royalex and Rotomolded Polyethylene canoes. These are the canoes of choice for whitewater and expedition service because of their resilience in rocky conditions. A new product, TUGEYE2's, have been developed for use in composite hulls. They may be installed directly through air chambers and in kayaks where internal access is restricted.
How are TUGEYEs Installed?

TUGEYEs can be installed easily using simple tools.
Click here for the installation instructions for original TUGEYEs.
Click here for the installation instructions for TUGEYE2's.
How can I purchase TUGEYEs?

Click here for pricing and ordering information.

TUGEYE2 installed in Kayak
TUGEYE2's fits Kayaks and Composite Boats

TUGEYE Manufactured by:
Yankee Engineering, Inc.
29 Kidd Road
Limington, ME 04049 USA
207 637-2216
Patent Pending

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