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Possibly useful Excel tools

Vehicle cost matrix (.xls)

A spreadsheet to evaluate vehicle repair value vs. time.
Of course mine's worth the repairs... it's a Toyota!
You can also use the spreadsheet for time calculations.


Gas mileage calculations and scenarios (.xls)

A spreadsheet to help with gasoline expense planning.


If you don't have a way to open MS Office documents, try this free office emulator--

How compounding interest seriously affects both savings and expenses.

A simple spreadsheet to plot your empire!

The S&P 500 index has averaged around 12% for about 50 years, which beats 90% of managed mutual funds without the risk of individual stocks.  All you have to do to make good returns, is invest your ROTH in a simple S&P 500 index fund... so start now and retire rich !

Even better, consider the index fund HFCGX.  The HFCGX strategy was built on 45 years of historical market data, with an average annual yield (for 45 years) of 18.8%!

Also, any purchase you make now will have a tremendous cost at retirement, from loss of investment returns.  That $100 (cash) purchase when you're 30 years old, will cost you $6,531 (in 12% compounding lost) at 65 years old!  And that $1000 purchase will cost you $65,310 !  Do you think you can afford that $65,000 when you're retired?

It's scary if you realize what things really cost, isn't it?

Investing with Artificial Intelligence and Quantitative Funds

Quantitative investing is investing without continuing human judgment, relying on mathematical or algorithmic models.


A simple example of quantitative investing is an S&P 500 index: it has averaged around 12% for about 50 years, which beats 90% of managed mutual funds, over longer time periods.  So, this one example alone proves that funds relying on human emotion and judgment can't compete with Quantitative!


Of course, not all quant models will beat all managed models, but in general, it's the way to go.  From what I understand of mathematical modeling and Artificial Intelligence, I expect them to yield an 'ideal' investing model, and the potential is enormous!


My first awareness of a rational, mathematical approach to investing came from reading the 'Most Excellent' book "What Works on Wall Street".  (The fund HFCGX is based on one of the models in the book.)  Though HFCGX has an excellently thought out mathematical model, it's clear that there has to be much more powerful ways to mine the stock market.


I'm currently investigating what's available for Quant Funds, and how they work.  I'll post info here as I figure this out...


Find an introduction to Quantitative Investing at:


Investing links
As of April 2004: Schwab requires $10,000 to start a Roth, Fidelity requires only $2,500.   Nice portfolio tool here!   Steve Forbes and Nanotech investing!
Nanotechnology will create more wealth than any development in human history!
I've been paying attention to Steve Forbes on FOX, and I like his logic.  I may invest $195 in his magazine & newsletter, to have an expert's view on Nano investing.






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