In the hopes of finding like
minded people (especially a future mate), I will put some of my thoughts to
text. If anything strikes a chord with you, let's
talk! 8^)
Perhaps you should start
with my Matrix
Theory... I use this to describe how people perceive the world, and it applies
to me too...
Always remember, human biological
brains are connected to each other by very low-bandwidth connections.
Speech, gesture, writing, music, video, etc are all very low- bandwidth
communications channels. (At least compared to the computer portion of our
planetary brains.) Any attempt at communicating information between
biological brains will be painfully slow and incomplete. The transfer of
even more complex conceptual and logical structures will be even more difficult
to accomplish.
So, as any two or more 'meat-brains'
attempt communication, they must always be cognizant that they are trying to
overcome not only restricted comm. channels, but incompatible software!
And, if resident memes and logical structures act as inflexible
firewalls or anti-virus programs, how can data get through? The packets of
data that do survive the transfer will be, at the very least, out of
context. No wonder people don't understand each other!
I think this is the reason people
feel at home with others who think like them-- and reject the ideas of those who
don't think the same. For people who think alike, compatible
logical structures are already in place, so the difficult data transfers are unnecessary!
It's much easier to communicate if your software is compatible!
I encourage people to develop critical
thinking skills, which will act as flexible
firewalls and anti-virus protection. Bull Shit filters, if you will.
Once learned, critical thinking skills will allow you to accept new and valuable
incoming data, not just reject it out of hand. And yes, there is more to
learn than you could hope to learn in a life time!
The greatest intellectual joys I've
experienced are the discovery of vast areas of knowledge I had no clue
existed. Some of them are on this site. And during this exploration,
I have discovered entire meme and logical structures that I have since
incorporated into my own thinking. I shudder to think how lost I'd be (and
was) without them-- Ignorance is NOT bliss!
So, why bother to keep
learning? To grow your intellect, grow your reality, and exercise your
Life can be a grand exploration, not
merely an existence. If you don't keep
learning, what's the point?
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